Saint Louis Priory


Fall/Winter 2022

Saint Louis Priory School wanted to create more cohesiveness across all grade levels, provide student common spaces, and develop a new multi-disciplinary Science and Art Center. To do this, the existing Science Building would be renovated for 7th and 8th grade academics, and the existing, free-standing 7th and 8th grade facility would be renovated for Science and Art. Common spaces would be developed inside and out for student recreation and study. These spaces will have a greater connection with the outdoor setting and its natural beauty. An outdoor amphitheater becomes the central unifying feature of the student commons areas.
All of the renovations are happening within the existing footprint of the school, making phasing and project sequencing crucial to keeping the facility operational during the school year. Currently, the project is ongoing, with the Science and Art facility opened for the start of the 2022 Fall trimester, and the 7th and 8th grade facility, and student commons coming on-line when students return from break in early January, 2023.